Tuesday, 12 February 2008

About me - my perspective about myself!! notes 1

So, atlast after so many years of thinking I have decided to start storing few bytes of crap by me to the terabytes freely available in this crazy world called internet!!

Me - I !!!

I love me, I like my life - infact, the first thing you notice me that the way I love to describte myself. I am aware of it. :(

But, I can not help :)
Because the more people I know, the more experiences I get, the more I know how the people behave in crisises or critical situations in their life - where they have to make a decision between integrity / ideology and short term pain ...... I look back to me and proudly say - "Man, you are far better"!! ;)

Its not boasting. Its the fact of life.( In mahabharatha, Arjuna wants to die because he did something wrong against his elder brother Yudhistira. Then Krishna advices him to boast about himself - the rationale : One who boasts about himself is equivalant to committing suicide ! I jotted down this story here just to show you that I know my mistakes, but I do it knowingly - so no Sorry ;) . You should know one of my interesting mottos of life - 'Learn the Rules and break some', meaning - Never break a rule whithout knowing it and its consequences!! )

I can easily walk away from any temptations - except while I confuse between hurting a person and my ideologies. But, that too I have matured. Now a days - I am almost ( yes, almost) beyond the pain it causes to others when I make decisions. Bad that I might sound cruel. Good that I am getting prepared for the responsibilities which comes with the power as a leader.

Now, I am getting tired about telling myself - So stopping it here. Will continue later when I feel like telling about me:)

Note : I have my low times, when I think the just opposite about me - sorry, I will NOT write anything about me that low to you :) Another golden motto : "When I laugh I want to make everyone laugh, but when I cry I will hide - because, I dont want anyone to enjoy my crying - angane arum sukhikkanda( malayalam )".

Catch you later!!!!


Anonymous said...

You r mad.. Dont make others too :))


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

It is really good experience. Pls continue this..............

With Best regards

writeitsumi said...

nice blog... highlight is about myself section...


Unknown said...

Noted you from my 7th standard! Saw your different stages from distance….
Proud that I was your classmate!
Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

The greatest knowledge is the " self awareness" . To know who i am, what are my positive qualities and negative. This is the most fundamental and basic thing one should know. Then he can reach any Heights in life.
Joy Areechira